Monday, November 13, 2006

November 13th

11/13/06 --

Focus today: Abs and obliques

100 sit-ups
60 Russian Twists (each side)
60 Leglifts
50 crunches
30 sec bicycle kick
Rest two minutes
One minute bicycle kick

Yesterday was our gym meet, newly organized to be much more structured... The ultimate result was that we could get a lot more done, and I don't think I've ever had as much cardio training within Parkour training (as opposed to strictly cardio training) as that before... except for perhaps that first day with Danno when I was just HORRIBLY out of shape. I trained reverse vaults a lot last night, and noticed a substantial increase in forward momentum upon landing the reverse vault (as opposed to most other vaults), which I did not expect at all.

My aim for Wednesday's outdoor session is to try to finally get split-foot take-offs down, since the two-foot thing is presenting itself to be a little limiting.

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